Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just FYI

Um, so my profile is really confusing me and probably some other people. I'm in the "in-between" again. The "deciding not to decide". If you've read my old blogs from you know I went through an 8 month period of basically not being a Christian. Kinda. It's not that I didn't believe in God, not that I didn't pray. I was just...doing things that I wouldn't have done before. So here I am again, with Harry Potter and Ellen White's books right next to each other on the BOOKS section of my profile. I kinda drive myself crazy sometimes.

Basically, all my old blogs are now relevant. I pretty much feel the same way. It's funny, as a true Christian I cannot, for the life of me, understand the stuff I wrote when I wasn't being very Christ-like. But right now I can't, for the life of me, understand the stuff I wrote while being a true Christian.

Ya know, I hate being 20-almost-21 sometimes. I had a couple nights in a row where I had dreams that guys I knew were asking me out and I had to sit them down and explain that I was a kind of moody, unpredictable, sometimes flaky person. As much as it would be cool to have a boyfriend, I'd have to warn anyone expressing intrest that I'm kinda crazy. But maybe all girls are like that. I dunno. But what can I say? I'm an artist! And Italian, I might add.

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