Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holiday Health Update

Hi Everyone,

The past week or so has not been a good one for me health-wise. I overdid it over the weekend (even though my body was telling me to stay home and rest) and then on Monday I collapsed. Actually, I started collapsing Sunday night...The point is, I've spent the week basically not moving from my recliner. My pain hasn't been as bad as usual, but I've been so weak and tired. Sleeping is as hard as ever and the menopause isn't helping with anything. I've been doing a lot of Reiki on myself, which has helped magnificently. So has my work with crystals and gemstones. I've also been using my old methods or aromatherapy, herbal teas, herbal/aromatherapy baths and meditation as well. Sometimes all I have the energy to do is close my eyes and meditate and this gives me a chance to let my imagination soar and do things I can't do in real life!

However, migraines have been an almost daily occurrence. I probably have 1-2 days a week where I don't have a migraine. The rest of the time I'm relying on my Imatrex and natural remedies to get me through it.

The pain doctors are now having me take the 12-hour, slow-release narcotics and only allowing me to use the regular ones when I absolutely have to; and if I do, I have to log it. This has been okay since I've just been staying in, but I rely on those narcotics to allow me to do normal things, like going out with friends or cleaning the rat cages.

This weekend is a busy one for me, what with Yule, getting ready for Christmas, babysitting and an Omaha trip (for fun with friends, not to see doctors). And now I've come down with a lovely cold, so my disappointment that I may have to miss these things is mounting. So is my worry that I won't be able to meet expectations. Speaking of which, if you do not receive a Christmas card or gift from me or receive one late, I am very sorry. I've been trying my hardest, but there's only so much I can do and I've already run myself into the ground with overwork many times these past couple of months. My mom, also, has been working like a mad woman to make money and, in her spare time, to take care of me and my sister. So I apologize ahead of time for any lack of gifts or cards. I have not forgotten you!

Blessings to you all!

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