Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Sunday Morning Snow

Woke up Sunday morning to much snow. Snow in Nebraska is like a pregnant lady-- it’s late. Ha. I’m so lame. Anyway, I didn’t make it down the block, much less to St. Mark’s for work. The ice was crazy. I was pissed off the rest of the morning so I went back to bed because my head was killing me. I didn’t appreciate the snow as much as I thought I would.

You know, I think I really would go crazy if I couldn’t write my journals. My thoughts constantly scream to be known, to be put into pretty sentences for the appearance of order. If I couldn’t record things on paper (or, rather, on my laptop) I would feel like they never existed. If you can’t remember something it may as well have never happened. I’m not a very good speaker, meaning that I can’t speak my mind very well in conversation. Get me in front of an audience and suddenly I’m the queen of sentence structure, diction and clarity. Go figure. But I’m better at expressing myself if I can write it down. I suppose it is because I spent so many years reading novels instead of having conversation. I understand written communication better than oral. I think I’m getting better, though. And Crash just squeezed under my door. Excuse me. I swear that rat will be the end of me.

Well, Baby Crash was intent on escaping and ignoring my commands to come back. I caught her sliding on the wood floor into mom’s room. Took me some yelling to find her, but she eventually turned up by my feet looking at me with big innocent eyes. That crazy baby. I gave her a talking to while she complained and put on her whole woe-is-me act. Baby Crash is a rare rat because she talks so that we can hear her. She seriously does talk and most of it is protest.

So, anyways, I have got to stop eating cheese because I’ve had two migraines in that past 56 hours or so. I’m in a poor-girl mood, meaning that I’m not wearing much make-up, wearing jeans and t-shirts, not eating much or buying much, drinking coffee and forgetting about my hair. I thought of cutting it really short because I’m in a sort of rebellion at the moment but I knew that would be too impulsive, I’d look awful and plus, I’ve been wanting to grow my hair out for a long time. It’s still tempting, though. I’ll let you know.

I need to clean those cages, get some serious school work done and return things to blockbuster and the library. The latter two I’m kind of procrastinating on because of the ice outside. We’ll see. It’s the last day of vacation for poor Ginny.

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