Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hi all,

Okay, now you finally get the whole story:

My period started getting out of control so Saturday morning I called the gyno on call at the office. She upped my hormone pills and said to call on Monday. Around ten or so in the evening I started to have bad pain that wasn't responding to my normal pain meds. The pain just exploded and so we went to the ER. They gave me a shot of morphine: nothing. Shot of hydromorphone: nothing. They gave me an IV and started shooting drugs into me with only a little improvement. At around 3 AM the admitted me. I was able to get some sleep and I was given a meth pill as a last resort for the pain (so now I've tried meth! It didn't do much...). In the morning the pain was still there, though more tolerable. I was given two different narcotics before I was stable enough to be sent home.

I've slept all day and have to continue on the heavy duty narcotics and meth.

The pain is from my crazy period and what is happening is my body is doing somewhat of the same thing that happens when you give birth. Thus, the horrible pain. So, last night could technically be compared to a long labor, only I still have lots of pain and no baby as a reward.

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