Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Health and Rat Update

Hi all,

We've had a serious sickness of some sort come into our home and take the lives of four of our rats and make the rest of them very sick. It's been a very exhausting time trying to save the remaining rats and grieving over those who are gone. Daisy, Francis, Bindi and Oreo have passed on. On Thursday I pretty much collapsed from everything that had gone on and I haven't been back to normal yet. In fact, I've been getting worse.

Last night was a close call, but I managed to get through without an ER visit.

Fast forward to earlier in the week. I did go to the pain clinic and I got two nerve blocks for the pain in my pelvic/groin area. Two shots of lidocaine and steroids were given. The lidocaine was heavenly, but once it wore off I was back to where I started and haven't felt any improvement since. I got back in about a week for more shots.


The Departed:




Oreo (on the right)

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