Friday, September 12, 2008

Where am I again?

I'm feeling very light-headed and out of it, so I'm going to make this quick:

It was yet another crazy night last night. I had another slight fever, but worst of all my liver was hurting me really badly and I wasn't getting the pain med that I needed. However, they gave me some IV lorezepam that put me to sleep pretty well. I continued to have the pain, I just never woke up enough to request more meds.

Today I still hurt and I feel all light headed and drowsy, kind of drugged though I haven't had anything more than normal. We're still waiting to talk to people in radiology about how the procedure went. Athough we have heard the brief notes they left for other doctors about the procedure.

I've been bleeding from weird places like my nose and gums. There's some weird stuff going on, that's for sure.

Sorry that this email is so weird and disjointed.


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